Thursday, May 29, 2008 i like them (okie, at least better than the other class) 20 more minutes to go before i should be in class reached office at 7.50am, finished the packet of noodles from downstairs and stoning here while waiting for time only thing that keeps me sane today would be the last session of marriage prep course tonight it's so fast - 8 sessions all over! been an enjoying and meaningful course - learnt quite a bit of stuff and the next step would be for both of us to sit down and prayerfully look through everything i guess trial make-up and final gown fitting on tues was ok though i'm quite irritated by the make-up artist my poor eyes.. she was playing with them as though they are dough anyway, i've changed my make-up artist so i'll see her no more excited about the photoshoot next tues! i can't wait.. =) it's term break for 2 weeks soon but i don't sense the "free time" in fact, i think it can get quite choking with the amount of preparation to be done for IG activities and YE conference birthday this year was rather interesting instead of the normal things we would do, most of the day was spent at bridal shop, shopping for his clothes for the photoshoot and spending some time just chatting away it's almost unbelievable that he bought me perfume! it's a new brand which i have not tried before.. so i think it's risky but i guess he is quite certain of his purchase. =) //posted by ivy @ 08:06//
Wednesday, May 21, 2008 it's been like that since sat. yesterday was a horrible day - there was a last minute rush to ensure that sufficient make-up artists were present for the finalists for SUI! fashion show - administration for make-up training yesterday (payment, attendance etc) - finding a replacement facilitator for EEP at Westwood because someone is sick - spent an hour being a judge for SUI! fashion show because someone is sick - had to arrange everyone's timing and logistics before heading to Westwood - had to take the normal technical class because everyone squirmed away from it. - no idea where the worksheets were although i asked someone to pack them last week i wasn't angry at anyone yesterday i was simply amazed at how my colleagues could have such "wonderful" attitude towards things of course, i'm not the perfect angel at work; i dragged deadlines etc as well but to be completely ignorant and attempting to do "as little as possible" irritates me superly big time. these are what army guys termed as the "chao keng" people i really, really dislike them. no no.. i don't dislike the person, i dislike the attitude. //posted by ivy @ 13:38//
Monday, May 12, 2008 She is worth far more than rubies. [Proverbs 31:10] "She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." [Proverbs 31:27-29] i've read a snippet of the above epilogue on "the wife of noble character" (Proverbs 31:10-31) before in an introduction of the book that john bevere wrote and the first thing that crossed my mind was "wow.. lisa is such an amazing lady!" and the next was "i want to be like what is described too!" tonight, the passage on that came back again and as i read the entire passage, i am astonished. it seems to describe the perfect characteristics of a wife and i know i'll never be able to be that. yet, i know i want to be a wife whom my husband will be proud of, a mother whom my children will be proud of. the entire passage carries with it a huge amount of encouragement to me, but ultimately, these very words capture the essence of them all: "charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." i always think that the calling to be a husband is tough he is the head of the household, he's in charge and he needs to lead the family.. while the wife is only called to be submissive and a helper to the man - that sounds easy to me. not really now. because i desire to be a wife of noble character! //posted by ivy @ 23:20//
Friday, May 09, 2008 sometimes, it's so tiring/frustrating because we're rather different, brought up differently and of course, we do things differently too but other times, it's so exciting and fulfilling when we come to a consensus and finalize on decisions. there's so much more to learn! //posted by ivy @ 15:40// |