y *the love and grace of God in my life..*

Saturday, February 26, 2005

hell-week ended this morning!
i think i was too excited to sleep last night! haha
i woke up at around 4am, then went back to sleep till my alarm woke me up at 7am
then an sms by vince came at 7 plus to say hell-week ended
rather tired so i went back to sleep.. holding on to my phone just in case zhong calls
and that guy tested my patience till 3 hrs later when my phone finally rang!

my eye is still not well!
it's getting better but still uncomfortable
it has to heal soon! i have tonnes to do~
and i have a presentation on tues.. ahhhh!

*poof to fyp

//posted by ivy @ 12:55//

Friday, February 25, 2005

eye infection is worse than fever or cough
at least fever and cough goes away after medication and you sleep due to the drowsiness the medicine caused.
whereas with eye infection, i dun take medicine except antibiotics which doesn't cause drowsiness but yet, i gotta rest my eyes often
can't do anything for long or my eyes hurt
and for once, im tired of sleeping

less than 24 hours before hell-week ends
im looking forward to the call by dear tmr morning
he says they hope to secure by 8.30am
i should be up then, considering how much i slept these few days

i've got piles of things to do
this is bad, real bad.
- FYP 1st draft by monday (!!!)
- resort presentation on tues (!)
- law assignment by thurs (not that bad)

i can hardly breathe.

//posted by ivy @ 11:06//

Thursday, February 24, 2005

tag-board is down? again?

Vince, if you're here and the board still doesn't work
sms me yah? --> 9047 3743
by the way, is there the half-marathon thingy for them tmr?

my poor eye is still status quo
irritating me big time
i can't do my spss and my law essay in peace! =(
it took me 2 days to produce the spss outputs!!
and i have today to try to do my law essay
hopefully the redness and swell is down tmr, then i can go for fyp
what a week
recess but yet, i din get anything done~

whiny gal~

//posted by ivy @ 15:30//

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

saw the comments by vince made me jumped
zhong has always been worried that he can't take the hell-week physically and especially so when his knee did give him some probs at the start of the training few months back
and so when vince said his knee hurt yday, it got me worried
but on the other hand, it really feels better when i know vince can keep a look-out for him during the week
thanks dude! let me know if there's anything okie? =)

i haven been doing much this week
except nursing my poor infected eye
it's red and swollen! argh~

//posted by ivy @ 14:51//

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

i feel like a walking zombie
the whole of last night was spent tossing in bed and trying so hard to get to sleep but i din manage to
thoughts of zhong having his hell-week somewhere at the other end of the island kept coming back
and yday was only the start of the 5 days
i remember briefly dozing off before waking up half an hour later to find that it was still dark and i barely slept at all

drifted off to sleep for an hour or so in the morning and when my alarm went off, my first reaction was to pray
i must have done that countless times last night as i woke up at every other interval

dear sneaked a call to me at 8pm last night
they were given lights-off then
i was in the movies but i talked to him for a while
really din know what i can say/do at that moment
after that, i went with alvin and vincent to nearby coffeeshop for supper and we chit-chatted till 11 plus
on the way back home, my watch read 11.55pm.
that meant the start of hell-week
i can only offer spiritual support for the whole of this week.

the idea of hell-week is driving me mad
this morn when i glanced at my clock and it said 6am
guess what was my first thought?
it was whether dear has finished his chow-run!
my gosh!

//posted by ivy @ 12:38//

Monday, February 21, 2005

i feel like i've wasted my monday away
normally, i wun feel a tinge
but today is different, it's recess week
and recess week is supposed to catch up as much stuffs as i can
then again, i supposed this being the last recess week i have wun make any difference compared to the past.

i've decided to read one more set of notes before heading to west mall for dinner/movie with the SFC gang
i miss them so much! had a nice chat with them on sat when i bumped into them at mac

tmr morning would have to finish up unread BH322 notes and go on to resort readings
im seriously quite irritated over the assignment thingy
and to top it off, the same grp mate is in my resort proj which is due next tues and we haven't done a thing!
wonderful. and it's 20%.
if she dun bother abt her grades, i do.
i'll give her till wed. if there's no reply, i'll do it. alone.

a list of stress for the next 4 days:
- BH322 case brief
- BH322 written assignment
- BH324 law assignment
- BM342 resort presentation

dear's hell-week starts anytime after dark today
the intensity increases till thurs before it'll start mellowing down and ends off on sat morning, hopefully
keep him in prayer yah?

//posted by ivy @ 15:42//

Friday, February 18, 2005

Entry dedicated to my baby:

It's been six months since enlisting into NDU
1/4 of NS has been fulfilled! =)
You've been strong during this period
and i know you'll continue to be in the months ahead
So proud of you dear!

TBW coming up
my baby will emerge as a hell-weeker yeah?
press on dear~

"The will of God will never bring you to where the grace of God cannot sustain you!"

and lastly, i love you!

//posted by ivy @ 22:56//

Thursday, February 17, 2005

my blogging habit seems to be seasonal.
there'll be period of days i dun blog at all, and then out come the pouring of continuous days of entries.
anyway, i have to blog today. it's ... *speechless*.

dennis ong is gone from my law seminar
here comes his co-lecturer steven ang who is B-O-R-I-N-G to no end
his words are incomprehensible and he mumbles 3/4 of the time and not to mention, monotonously.
and therefore 3/4 of the time, im lost in class and could only stare at danwen and huixin blankly
so what do we do?
we found our refuge in the pack of chocs huixin brought to class
that's probably why im having a sore throat now.

the weather has been scorching hot and it definitely is affecting my mood.
makes me tired, sleepy and lethargic.
poor darling, he has to go thru hell-week in such weather.
im praying the weather will cool a little next week.

it's 11 plus
i have YET to get down to analyzing my regression and factor analysis
the fact that im meeting my grp mates tmr morning has no effect/urgency at all.
this is bad.
anyway, i can almost taste how packed my recess week will be
with meeting of fyp tutor, writing of report, completion of resort presentation, change mgmt case, law essay
and not to mention, tuitions, do up my resume, settle the ohio trip, SIA talk and many many more.

it's time to be disciplined
get my things organized and start work.

//posted by ivy @ 23:00//

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

blessed and blissful
that's probably the only proper description i can come up with.

  1. My mum has started talking to me few days back and im totally surprised by how much her attitude towards me changed overnight. it was as though that debate that night didn't take place. things were pretty back to normal, with her fussing over me to eat fruits, have proper meals and popping by my room to help her decide her choice of dishes for the next meal.
  2. I had spent the past few hours looking at graphs, numbers and weird functions in spss in order to finish up my analysis by fri. managed to churn out some regression tables at last and attempted to figure out what they all mean. foreign aliens, i call them.
  3. I'm glad celine's mum is pretty open to us going over her place last sat and to top if off, the effort to go down early to help out paid off. everyone ended up having a nice time!
  4. I have been spending quite a bit lately, mainly having meals at different places and buying things to pamper myself (!). and so im getting broke even in the mid-week but it was a total surprise when my tuition kid (zoey)'s mum gave me a $20 ang-bao last night. how generous she is.. but again, she is well-to-do since she's paying me quite a bit for tuition fees! haha. so now, im no longer broke and i can afford to do something for the cell gals for the next lesson! =)

See? So blessed and blissful huh?
And my dear has decided to make my day by giving me a call just a min ago, on cpt sim's hp
now now, im thankful for cpt sim being in his batch! hahaha~
he is having liberty tonight again but im having a date with my kid, zoey.
hoping to spend some time with him during weekends, figured that sun prob has no time at all since he has to book in early to prepare for 'hell-week'

oh yea, i've figured a way to keep him in constant prayer during his hell-week which coincides with my recess break!

back to law readings
i've yet to finish Dr. Ng's 2nd Bill reading

//posted by ivy @ 15:28//

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

this year's valentine's day was spent with friends
and the best part is, i truly enjoyed myself as well! =)

met huijun (my fyp mate) in the afternoon at jp for lunch
before that, we went to shop for gifts for our fyp tutor since we were going to meet him after lunch
then we walked past pizza hut and we thought, shld we spent money here for lunch?
well, we both came to the same conclusion at the same time with the same reason
that is, why not? since we both wun have our bf around today, let's treat ourselves to at least some good food.
and so we went and had a feast at pizza hut.

met our tutor for over an hour for discussion
it was mentally draining and i was forcing myself to listen out to his pointers
yanyang (another fyp mate), huijun and myself then planted our butt at coffee bean after that for chill-out
talked over issues regarding r/s and at the end of it, i felt blessed that my bf has been encouraging, caring and loving despite him being in NS
rushed home to change while waiting for 'my valentine' to come pick me up!

the initial plan was to go for buffet at oscar's
but the restaurant decided to change its menu for v-day
so we headed to millenia's coffee club for dinner
i love my baked macaroni!
a fulfilling dinner i would say
walked around for a while after that before heading home in a cab
we were both too tired to drag ourselves back to mrt station

and did i mention 'my valentine' for the night was none other than, wendy? =)
thanks babe!

zhong was given liberty last night to head home and grab a set of civilian clothes for some heritage tour
he called me for a few mins and told me abt his training that day
dear, take care yah?
but what melts my heart was the sms he sent before he went back in
it was a simple one, but THAT made my day! =)

//posted by ivy @ 13:21//

8th feb
after the teary session at home and after my parents left, i spent some time thinking abt how my days at home would be changed, how my parents would react in future while the tv was blasting away.
finally dragged myself to get changed and headed down to meet zhong at around ten.
he brightened up my mood a whole lot! went to squeeze with the crowd at chinatown to view the firecrackers and fireworks display. think the fireworks were only nicer towards the end.
went bugis for supper before heading to PS for a really late show
ended around 4am, and we made our way to blue-star place till 7 plus
headed home in a cab and snoozed till noon

9th feb
spent the afternoon doing my fyp data-entry and practically didn't utter a word at home since my mum was ignoring me a great deal
felt really tired and slept even more in the evening

10th feb
after trying to edit the case brief (due on fri) for a whole afternoon, i gave up and headed down to holland v. for dinner at the usual place
it must be my risk-taking attitude cos i ordered a disgusting drink again!
the last time it was 'deep purple' which turned out to taste like some antibiotics
now i ordered 'apricot ice' which eekkks.. tasted like soured green-tea according to zhong!
i shld just stick to my normal drink the next time round
oh yeah, the cabonara made me sick! ewwww..

11th feb
went over to yanyang's place to do data analysis
ivy officially hates spss!
dropped by mich's place for an hour plus, for some mahjong and dinner
i was the santa claus that day, gave away tiles for people to win countless times.
rushed down to huiling's place after that for another dinner
pretty relaxing but i was so exhausted at the end of it.

12th feb
met tracy during noon to head down to tampines together
the journey was, oh so far!
plus the fact that we took the wrong coloured feeder service! (er hem, celine chan!)
had a short lunch, then over to celine's place for preparation of steamboat for the night
we made potato-salad and helped fried, washed and cut the food.
overall, an equally tiring day as previous.

13th feb
over to yanyang's place again in the afternoon for data analysis
went over zhong's place in the evening and met leong (his second bro) on the way
felt a bit awkward on the LRT since we dun usually talk
but anyhow, the conversation started when he asked why wasn't i out with zhong since it's v-day tmr
and it led on to his enlistment, part-time job etc
it was truly a nice experience chatting with him for the short ten mins or so
and im praying that it wun stop at that. =)

//posted by ivy @ 12:31//

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

This has got to be the most teary new year eve ever
mom popped the question regarding going temple after dinner
she insists that i go, since i haven been going at all
she says "once a year, that's all i asked of you"

as much i knew what'll happen if i turned her down
and the hard time that is coming
i shook my head and said a soft no
praying at the same moment for strength and wisdom

the initial thought was they'll let it go after some negotiation
but no, they were firm this year
even my dad joined in and challenged my faith and belief
explaining to them in mandarin was the biggest hurdle

i saw the eye-piercing stare from my mom
the usual me will give in to avoid trouble
but i thank God i stood firm and declared i believe in Jesus
only to invite more verbal challenges from them

at the end of it, my dad said 'drop it. from now on, no more such conversation'
this was followed by my mom's harsh tone of 'i'll not attend your wedding if you hold it in church'
i felt horribly helpless and lost

the only thing i said was 'even though i do not believe in what you do, i still respect you as my parents and the fact that im a christian doesn't mean im going to disobey you from now on'
went to my room and teared

God, help me.

//posted by ivy @ 20:30//